
“There are no words,” is the phrase that I read and heard over and over after announcing the passing of our daughters. For me, there were many words. They flowed onto paper and online with ease. As I continued to share my journey with the world, I was often told how strong I am, how much it helped others to even slightly understand what we were going through. I continue to write, finding it easier than speaking most times.

Stillbirth affects 1 in 160 pregnancies. Various types of pregnancy loss affect 1 in 4 pregnancies. 1 in 4. Chances are, you know at least one other person who has experienced one of the above, if not you yourself. It is an unbearable pain that changes you at your core. I hope that my words can help even just one person know, you are not alone. Don’t be silent. Ask for help. Tell your story. Let’s take the taboo nature of these losses away and open the doors to support, love, and compassion.

I promise to stay true to who I am and continue to share my journey, both the smiles and the tears. I hope you come along for the ride.
