Pregnancy Symptoms

Nausea. Fatigue. Headaches. Congestion. Pregnancy brings with it a plethora of oh so enjoyable friends! Guess what, I HATE IT!! Yes, I am complaining. Why? Because pregnancy is hard! For ~40 weeks your body is not your own. You have apps, books, doctors, family, and friends all giving you advice and telling you what to do and it takes all the self control I can muster to simply smile and nod. To those who think I should “be grateful that I get the chance to try again,” or say that I shouldn’t complain “especially after what I went through before,” I respectfully ask you to shut up. I am acutely aware of what I have been through. I am beyond thankful that I am fortunate enough to get pregnant the first month we tried. I know not everyone “is so blessed.” But guess what, pregnancy is hard. It is emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausting. Every woman, regardless of their past, has the right to bitch and moan when they are pregnant. WE ARE GROWING HUMAN BEINGS!!

So, the next time you ask how I’m feeling and it sounds like I’m complaining, feel free to commiserate with me and tell me “that sucks!” or “sorry to hear.” But please, keep your condescending opinions of my reaction to pregnancy symptoms to yourself.

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